Wednesday, March 26, 2008

And so it begins...

I'm starting a blog to document my quarter-life crisis (it's official, I'm uneasily approaching 25). This will probably consist of my wanderlust adventures and travels, reflections on self-improvement (and self-destruction), crazy bird lady antics, dramatizations of mundane occurrences, anecdotes of worthwhile (and not so worthwhile) encounters, details of my latest ventures, and other random ramblings. that I hope you'll find either entertaining, inspiring, or laughable. I'll try not to write about men and my personal life because they're boring plus I'd rather keep this PG. I'll try to mix in some video and photos often to keep you page-scrollers entertained. Expect many highs and lows as my moods and interests change as much as my underwear (daily, in case you were wondering) but that should keep things interesting.

As for my current state, here's a brief overview:

  • My week-long solo adventure in Costa Rica begins on Saturday.
  • My lovebirds, Misty and Smoothie, birthed a new lovebird on March 12 whom I call Anastasia.
  • I haven't been in a serious relationship in 2+ years and I'm ok with that.
  • The last few men I've expressed interest in have subsequently fled and traveled thousands of miles away.
  • I still live with my parents and I still don't have a car.
  • I'm on an ongoing search to discover my life's passion and purpose.
  • I'm moderately bored.
  • I think I may have A.D.D.

And that should set the tone...

So if you're reading this, please don't be shy. Check back, comment, discuss, share your thoughts, feel free to insult me even! I'll try to keep things provocative and interesting and fun but I'd like to know I have an audience at least so I know I'm not only entertaining myself (i do that enough IRL).

Peace & Love


Randigital said...

Good start. I don't know if you checked my blog out yet, but you should. I also have a favor to ask you when you get a chance.


Anonymous said...

Aw Roxy...I thought I was having a quarter-life crisis recently and I'm even younger than you. =p Btw its Steph from cB. =)