Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.

Truer words were never spoken. I can’t tell you all how liberated I feel. Knowing that the last few months I’ve taken some huge risks. It took me so long to get over the fear of other people’s perceptions and expectations. I spent far too many years trying to fit into some sort of model that wasn’t me. A business casual job, relationships that I knew wouldn’t make me happy, but I stayed regardless. It took so long but once you let go of the fear and just embrace what it is you love, everything becomes so clear. I am not sure why it took til this past year to figure all of this out but I know that I have been on cloud nine since my move to California. It’s not as hard as you think. Let go of the fear, the rest will follow. I just knew that I just wasn’t cut out for DC and I was sick of banging my head against the wall to make it work. I knew there had to be more to life than the false sense of security I found in shallow relationships and the endless rat race to climb the corporate ladder. Life is so short, I want to do so many things and I know that I will and I’ve already begun… and I have never been happier.

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